Tuesday 19 February 2013

I'm Back For Now #GymDiet #LifeCoach

Like I've said previously, I think, I'm very inconsistent and the hiatus of writing is for no particular reason, just being a lazy arse as per usual. Though my last post was something about "becoming Bane" that's coming along nicely, no double chicken burger in about 3 weeks which is quite a large achievement in my book. So what have I been doing for the last month or so...

All dem gainz 
Training, training very hard, 6 times a week for about 3 weeks now, and hopefully I'll get in decent shape before summer really piques. Spring has started off really nicely and I want to buy some new wardrobe pieces soon, so I can show my "guns" off. But I'm not ready for any low scoop necks as of yet or any pictures that may scar of my bodaaaay...yet, but probably never, a man needs a little dignity.

What else, I played a few games. Played through DMC which was alright I guess, a lot of fun but hella repetitive. Dead Space 2, in anticipation for the third instalment, I'd recommend it and Max Payne 3, a year late but an amazing experience. I haven't played the previous games and most criticism comes from it's departure from the series fundamentals but it was a dark and adult experience, I'd recommend highly, for anyone who likes to shoot things possibly in slow motion or any fan of rockstar games pick it up, it's super cheap and a lot of fun.

Another note, some of my posters arrived, after months of anticipation the amazing piece by Ken Taylor arrived, and it's one of my favourite movies of all time, and I think many will have similar opinions about this movie. Also a new little thing that I'm collecting by @sirmitchell called "Just Like Us" check them out.

So another Blog is finally in the bag, a short and pointless one but a Blog nonetheless, I'll try to continue writing but my word isn't worth much, yet I do have a new life coach, the ever eccentric and flamboyant straight man @Grimnaz to keep me and my writing in check, so theres a bigger chance I'll write this drivel more often. More importantly please send me some stories or topics to write about, the well runs dry sometimes, tweet me at @belalbassa but I guess you already know that. So till next time

Friday 11 January 2013

The Procrastinator Compendium Part 3: Becoming Bane

Hopefully you haven't lost interest after my schedule of writing was put on hold for about a week but I am back, for a little while. This will be the last part of this series but it may have some welcome additions in the future if I so desire. More rants than anything, my previous posts have been about social groups and some stuff I waste my time on, but the final part is what I'm changing, somewhat of a new years resolution. 

As the title suggests, becoming Bane, if you haven't read the title, is my attempt at becoming somewhat like the villainous character in The Dark Knight Rises, in stature and not in tone, the depth of my voice could do with a little work though. For the sake of my viewers or readers I'm not gonna be posting pictures, unless it is prefaced with Not Safe For Working (NFSW) but if I make significant progress I might take a snap or two. 

I have been hitting the gym, like most people at this time, but I seem to be a little more consistent with going regularly. But like my other failed attempts I've started to dwindle in eating healthy or working out, but I'm planning on getting back to it, today. Maybe this blog is just a tool to keep me on it, hopefully.


I know this is a quite short post about nothing, I'm coming back with a top ten films of 2012 and some films I'm really excited to see in 2013, also watch Gangster Squad, it'll convince you to start smoking 


Monday 31 December 2012

Great Expectations

2012 has been a fantastic year, for games, movies and entertainment in general besides the filth that is 50 shades of grey. Dark Knight Rises and Avengers somewhat delivered experiences that were equal to their expectations, Looper was an amazing piece of science fiction and INDIE GAME: the movie was a sincere and informative documentary that engrossed and saddened me. 2012 had had been awesome bar a few disappointments, in my opinion. As it is the internet it's always important to preface an opinion based article before I get ranted by anyone and everyone. But is 'hype' ruining entertainment for us, are reviews, scores and grades dumbing down are audiences, lessening our honest opinions and just becoming derivative sheep. Maybe, just maybe.

This all started about a week ago, when reviews were coming out for Django Unchained, which most reviews were brilliant, touting it as the best Tarantino Film to come out after Pulp Fiction, which is a difficult feat in my book as I loved Kill Bill and Inglorious Basterds. But there were some negative reviews, like always, saying that Tarantino is too gratuitous and is just living out his Blaxploitation revenge fantasies. One website, a favourite of mine Spill.com (check them out) said to an extent that the Tarantino name is more than the credit the film is due, The Tarantino name is basically a medium of hype, when a Tarantino movie is released I'm always excited, why?

Tarantino is one of my favourite directors, that is basically why but the excitement grew when reviews were coming out, reviews like 9.4 from IGN, the average of reviews from Rotten Tomatoes in the 90's  I was happy and I can honestly say that I will already walk in liking the movie. That's the effect of hype and if the movie is bad I'll just try to justify why it is amazing, which is wrong. This justification comes from reviews and not from my opinion. Which I'm going to change.  

Two films that I have been quite disappointed with and quite bored me are Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Killing Then Softly. Both critically acclaimed and both gave me the same statements at the end, why didn't I like it?, what is wrong with me? and I need to watch it again. But i've come to realise that my opinion as binary as it is, is my own. Reviews and sites like Rotten Tomatoes somewhat build up a movie and give me expectations of greatness when really everything is subjective, case in point Blade Runner.  

Blade Runner is one of the greatest films of all time, of all time (according to IMDB's top 250) and I disagree. For it's time it must have been amazing and the sets are fantastic but I just felt a little underwhelmed by the story, I can appreciate the craft of the film but I never felt truly captivated in the setting or the story. Again I'm gonna blame myself for not enjoying it, It didn't look the best because my settings were wrong or that I did't get the right cut, but after the film had ended I felt quite disappointed. But I'll give it another shot, because I'm like that, fickle bastard.

But it can always work the opposite way, take for example The Hobbit, it got mediocre reviews and I had lost some drive to even see the film. But I was dragged and looking back, I'm glad I was. Though the Hobbit does't compare to the greatness to the Lord Of The Rings trilogy it is still a fantastic movie and I somewhat appreciated it more because it exceeded my low expectations. But I had high expectation initially because it was a prequel to the LOrd of The Rings,  it's just a paradox 

So in conclusion, if you're interested in a film, don't always take others opinions and make your own god damn mind up about a film. Or don't, don't listen to my opinion about others opinions that affect your opinion. 

Saturday 29 December 2012

The Procrastinator Compendium Part 2: Penguins and Push-Up Bras

I’m no socially awkward penguin; the truth is I just hate people, not all people but the majority. Side note I have to congratulate myself on losing my current audience so quickly. If you are still here then thank you. Let me continue, so the people that know me in person will know I’m a little bit of a dick most the time, the rest of the time I’m either sleeping or eating, and that’s arguable if I’m a dick during that period. I’m quite callous, but what really boils my blood is the youth of today, youth of today, yes I do sound like a crotchety old man, no I am not.

This boiling of blood was started by me going home, back to me hometown for Christmas, and as any respectable gamer, person or bored individual went to my local game store, which was in ruins. Barely any games on the shelf, parents returning games in anger and frustration on how their child can skin an animal in game but are fine with massacring droves and droves of men, yes it makes complete sense. But it isn’t this I’m most irritated by, not by a long shot, I understand the times have changed children are being brought up with iPod’s rather than lego, which I feel saddened to hear that but I’d probably buy a child of mine an apple device, I find no discomfort in that, but I’d prefer them building skyscrapers with lego. Also to any parents reading, I doubt it but, buying mega blocks instead of Lego is a parental sin and a sign that you do not truly love your child, take note.

So what did really irk me, not game stores going under, or uninterested parents, it is girls, young prepubescent girls. Though I do partake in the revealing V-neck once in a while, my moobs in fact are fully developed unlike the girls of today. I saw groups, or maybe gangs is more apt, gangs of 10-12 years old girls dressed in the skimpiest outfits imaginable, well not imaginable, my mind can wonder about skimpy outfits. But you get my point. It seems as though people, well children are trying to grow up too fast, I mean I’m 20 and there are a few immature tendencies that I still obtain, a few maybe a understatement. The point being is that these girls are dressing quite provocatively, not saying that I’m attracted to them but it just makes me uncomfortable, for example Natalie Portman in Leon, if you haven’t seen it, go run and rent it or download it or whatever you kids do nowadays and watch that movie. Super badass but very uncomfortable at points, see below, skip to about 1.20.

And like Leon in that scene, he and I are extremely uncomfortable, not because she's attractive but because she's being overly sexual, she's a kid and she's acting this way is just weird, and if it isn't weird to you then Leon: The Professional is your dream movie, you sick person.

And before you shout pedo at me, it isn’t that I’ve been starring at underage girls; it’s just the amount you see like that has increased exponentially. As a wise man once said “Bitches be crazy” and truthfully so, bitches are crazy and crazy has become much, much younger. 

Thursday 27 December 2012

The Procrastinator Compendium Part 1: Mondo

As stated previously I am a huge procrastinator, this blog being somewhat in between procrastination and actual work, I find some enjoyment out of writing this drivel, life goes on. But that is the problem most of the time, life goes on I don't really move on, I have a major case of procrastination for life. I just can't be assed, do I like the how I am? yes, do I need to change? the answer again is yes. So let's start with the base of daily routine and what needs to change.

It seemed at one point in my life I was content with my financial, social and physical standing, but like anyone ever that's somewhat happy/content, life throws you a curveball, that curveball was 4 years ago and I don't think I've ever fully recovered. Financially I'm alright, the constant flow of cash is only rocked by the battle with eccentric "necessities" that I find are a sound investment for the generation of Bassas to come. My most recent and somewhat expensive "necessity" are posters...

Reservoir Dogs By Tyler Stout, In my opinion one of the best artists associated with Mondo

My current small readership might know of how much I blabber on about posters and I want this one and I need this one, this blabbering is now going to continue in my blog. It might sound strange, hell it's quite baffling how passionate I am about God damn posters, but believe me I am just the tip of the iceberg. Besides the generic, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube trolling I've moved onto hunting down posters and waiting an absurd amount of time for a poster I'm not guaranteed on acquiring. Like Blogging, poster hunting is in Limbo of whether it's actual work or just a waste of time. Most people think the latter.

They are mistaken...most the time

See you'll have to look in galleries rather than HMV, the thing with the posters that I look for and buy are extremely limited and extremely sought after, they combine the accessibility of a poster, hang it on your ceiling, easy to put on or take down, easily stored with the flair of actual "art". Again there is another element, being what Mondo (the group that releases the posters) base the posters on, that being movies. Combining posters that are well done with them being based on movies makes BIG BUCKS. But I don't do it for the money not always.

take for example, spiderman up here, or that great rack, wait...

For instance, the piece above was bought for £30 at a gallery in Leeds and I later sold it for £180 in the following 3 days, so there is a lot of potential in this collection. I love movies, so collecting them is a no brainer for me, if I make a quick buck that's just an extra incentive. I mean even if you don't sell the piece you've bought they'd look awesome on your wall, in the hallway or in the bathroom. 

If you do want to get in on collecting or want a poster, follow @MondoNews and/or @ollymoss; the artist who created the aptly named 'SpiderBoobs', he is also quite funny and that's never bad. 

I know it hasn't been the greatest or funniest or most philosophical blog today so here is a picture, an outtake of me taking a grungy picture that was interrupted by a sneeze of great magnitude. Enjoy 

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Black and White so you know I'm serious and racially cool
Hi, hey or click next whichever floats your proverbial boat, I doubt the notion of clicking of next will be transferable to the world of 'blogging' but here I go. Welcome to "I write S*H*I*T*E", where hopefully I will try to get off the routine of going onto youtube moving onto twitter to facebook to stalking girls I've liked and never cared to talk to them. I am, like many youth of the current generation, a chronic procrastinator, and I'm trying really hard to change that...by writing a blog, oh the irony.

So a little introduction, I have long hair and what the medical profession call "moobs", contrary to popular belief I am male, I have the correct set of genitalia and the unnerving obsession with Tom Hardy, strictly platonic. If that doesn't make me a man, castrate me now, I'll pencil you in.

I like films, I like games, I like pizza and depression, depression is fun. Yet I won't be telling anyone about that, I'll keep that locked away until I have to unleash the rage that's built up inside expressing it using the medium of dance, which I will blog about, if I can be assed. Side note I enjoy the art of rambling if you haven't already noticed, pay attention.

But seriously I'm gonna blog my little heart out, my cake filled heart. You like movies, games, stick around, porn suggestions, why not, art, I'll get into that later. So from the Channel 4 news team, stay classy San Diego

P.S I reference movies...A LOT!!!